Hole Punches

When a hole is desired for hanging packages, Greener Corporation can provide the right punch for the job. Hole punch assemblies, as well as sealing jaws to accommodate them, are available for both horizontal flow wrappers and vertical baggers.

We provide hole punch assemblies in a variety of standard and customized shapes, including Round, Oval, Delta, and Sombrero (Euro).

Hole Punches for Horizontal Flow Wrappers

For flow wrappers our hole punches are precision manufactured with a radius cutting edge that matches the working head diameter of the crimpers. This radius design, a significant improvement over spring-loaded hole punches, provides easier set-up and longer life.

Hole Punches for Vertical Baggers

Greener’s heated hole punches for vertical baggers melt a clean, strong hole that is cauterized around the perimeter to provide extra strength and to help prevent tearing when the package is hung. These hole punches eliminate heat transfer to the sealing surface, and are compact enough to fit in many sealing jaws without modifying the backing plates or carriage assembly. Installation and adjustment are easily accomplished, and temperature is regulated by our dedicated heat control.

Optimizing the design of your hole punches is just one part of our comprehensive, integrated strategy for improving cutting performance. Greener can also help you identify and implement Technical Support solutions, such as machine adjustments and training, that will help optimize the package quality and productivity of your entire packaging operation.

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